Strangers on a Train

Strangers on a Train

  • Action,Crime,Film-Noir,Romance,Thriller,Drama

Alfred Hitchcock,Wayne Rogers,Robert Walker,Leo G. Carroll

Lost in thought, pondering on what stands in the way of happiness, famous tennis star Guy Haines is recognised on a fast train by eccentric Bruno Anthony. As the perfect strangers exchange pleasantries, with Bruno showing a detailed knowledge of Guy's private life, an ingenious, deadly murder scheme gradually takes shape: Bruno is more than willing to help Guy get rid of his adulterous wife Miriam, and in return, Guy would lend Bruno a hand by doing away with his hated father. Indeed, the methodical plan is perfect in its simplicity. After all, by swapping murders, there would be nothing to connect two strangers on a train. However, does Bruno mean business?—Nick Riganas

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