

  • Drama,Music

Julika Jenkins,Bruno Ganz

Helen and Leo von Holzen are blessed with a gifted and sensitive child. They name him Vitus and have plans to make him (and them) famous and rich. Vitus does display amazing skills at playing the piano, but also has a crush on a much older girl, Isabel, his babysitter. He offers friendship, but she prefers someone older, contrary to this boy-genius' theory that since a woman's libido matures faster than a males', the world would be a better place if women were married to males younger by at least 6 years. Aloof from other classmates, proving that he is much more smarter than his teachers, he withdraws into himself, but opens up a bit when in the company of his grandfather. Then when pressures from his parents increase, he refuses to follow the path that they have set for him and goes into a silent rebellion that will change everyone's lives forever.—rAjOo ([email protected])

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