Monsters University

Monsters University

  • Action,Adventure,Animation,Comedy,Family,Fantasy,Horror,Sci-Fi,Drama

John Krasinski,Aubrey Plaza,Nathan Fillion,Tara Strong

When Little Mike Wazowski went onto the Scare Floor, he wanted nothing more than to become a scarer. Years later, he spends the rest of his days at Monsters University. But, then he meets the lazy student James P. "Sully" Sullivan (John Goodman), who is way more of a scarer than he is and is the family of the famous scarers. Then, Mike (Billy Crystal) competes for the Scare Games. But, little does he know he needs a fraternity. Soon, he has a team of four losers who are no good at anything. Then, Mike has to be friendly to Sully when he joins their team. Now, Mike and Sully have to win this in order to not just become the best of friends, but get themselves and their fraternity into the Scare Program. It's gonna be a lot of hard work.

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