Daisy Miller

Daisy Miller

  • Comedy,Drama,Romance

Cloris Leachman,Cybill Shepherd,Eileen Brennan,Barry Brown

In Vevey, Switzerland, Randolph C. Miller, a young American boy, runs around a hotel by himself. On the outdoor patio, he asks another American, Frederick Winterbourn, for a lump of sugar. When Annie P. Miller, known as "Daisy," saunters onto the patio carrying a parasol, Randolph identifies her as his older sister. Frederick engages Daisy in conversation and learns that she and Randolph are from upstate New York, and plan to visit Italy after their stay in Switzerland. Daisy chats nonstop, hardly allowing Frederick time to respond to her questions. They make plans to visit Chillon, a nearby castle. Later, Frederick's aunt, Mrs. Costello, tells him that the Miller family are not well-mannered. She criticizes Daisy and her mother's familiarity with their European courier, Eugenio, and suspects they may even dine with him. Frederick tells her about the plans he made to go to Chillon with Daisy, and she reprimands him. After dinner at the hotel, Frederick finds Daisy on the patio. Based on Frederick's description of his aunt, Daisy suspects she disapproves of her but tells him not to worry. When Daisy introduces her mother to Frederick and mentions their upcoming date, Mrs. Miller drones on, in the same manner as her daughter, about her reasons for not visiting the castle. As in conversation with Daisy, Frederick finds it difficult to interrupt. Daisy begs Frederick to take her out on a boat, but Mrs. Miller does not approve. Eugenio arrives and, at Mrs. Miller's command, forbids Daisy to go on the boat. Daisy leaves with her mother and Eugenio, telling Frederick she hopes the disappointment doesn't keep him awake. One morning, Frederick and Daisy run to catch the ferryboat heading to Chillon. At the castle, Frederick tells her he went to school in Geneva as a boy and has lived in Europe ever since. After he recites a poem, Daisy decides he would be a good teacher for Randolph and suggests he accompany her family to Italy, but he declines, saying he must return to Geneva. Agitated by the rejection, Daisy storms outside where Frederick catches up to her. She demands to know if he has a romantic interest in Geneva but Frederick denies it. Calming down, she asks him to meet her when her family is in Rome, and he agrees. Sometime later, Frederick visits his aunt at her new apartment in Rome. She supplies him with gossip about Daisy, namely that she has been associating with an Italian gentleman. Frederick attends a tea party at the home of Mrs. Walker, and encounters Daisy there. The hostess is irritated as Daisy flirts with Frederick and urges him to escort her to her next destination. Soon after, Mrs. Walker spies from a nearby carriage as Frederick and Daisy meet her Italian friend, Mr. Giovanelli, in a park. The trio walk, arm in arm, with Daisy in the middle. Mrs. Walker sends a messenger to Frederick who goes to her carriage, where she informs him that Daisy is embarrassing herself and should come to the carriage at once. Daisy comes over with Giovanelli and introduces him, but Mrs. Walker orders her into the carriage, saying her reputation is in danger as long as she stays out with the two men. Daisy refuses and asks Frederick what he thinks, and he agrees with Mrs. Walker. Peeved, Daisy leaves with Giovanelli. Mrs. Walker insists Frederick get into the carriage. As they drive away, she tells him everyone in town is talking about Daisy and her reckless behavior. Frederick agrees that Daisy's family seems tasteless, but insists that he likes her regardless. Disappointed, Mrs. Walker allows Frederick to leave the carriage and rejoin Daisy and Giovanelli. Before he catches up to them, however, Giovanelli spots him and uses Daisy's parasol to block Frederick's view. One night, Mrs. Miller arrives at Mrs. Walker's home for a party, apologizes that her daughter is late, and explains that she has been singing and playing piano with Giovanelli at their hotel. Later, Daisy and her Italian suitor arrive, and she insists that he sing for Mrs. Walker's guests. While Giovanelli performs, Frederick finds Daisy and warns her that her actions are improper, saying that flirting is an American custom, unacceptable in European society. Daisy rejects his advice and reunites with Giovanelli after his performance. When Daisy departs with her mother and Giovanelli, Mrs. Walker ignores their goodbyes, telling Frederick that Daisy will never be invited to her home again. Frederick later visits Daisy at her hotel and notices two bellboys snickering at him, assuming he's another of her many suitors. Frederick runs into his aunt, and they observe Daisy walking with Giovanelli. His aunt again discourages Frederick from associating with her. One day, at the Millers' hotel suite, Frederick visits with Daisy and Giovanelli, who are at the piano, playing "Pop Goes the Weasel." Giovanni plays a song for Daisy to sing, and Frederick watches, mesmerized. Mrs. Miller returns home and mentions her suspicion that Daisy might be engaged to Giovanelli, and Frederick abruptly leaves. One day, Daisy finds Frederick walking alone and joins him. He informs her that Mrs. Miller mentioned a possible engagement, and Daisy teases him by saying she is engaged and, moments later, denying it. In a carriage at night, Frederick confides to his friend, Charles, that he cannot decide whether Daisy is reckless or exceedingly naive. Despondent, he leaves the carriage and walks home. On his way, he passes through the Colosseum and runs into Daisy and Giovanelli. He reprimands Giovanelli for bringing her there, as it is a breeding ground for the Roman flu. Frederick criticizes Daisy's lack of prudence, and she leaves in a huff. At the opera, Frederick overhears a group of women gossiping about Daisy and learns that she has caught the Roman flu. Soon after, Frederick visits the Millers' hotel suite. Mrs. Miller complains that Giovanelli has disappeared since Daisy became ill and says that Daisy wanted Frederick to know she is definitely not engaged. Sometime later, Frederick mourns alongside Giovanelli, Mrs. Miller, and Randolph at Daisy's funeral. Giovanelli tells Frederick that Daisy was the most innocent girl he knew but admits she never would have married him. Frederick later expresses to his aunt that he regrets the manner in which he treated Daisy.

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