The Letter Writer

The Letter Writer

  • Action,Drama,Family

Matthew Bellows

A fiercely rebellious teen embarks on a mission to track down her secret admirer after receiving an inspirational letter from someone who seems to know her even better than she knows herself. Maggie Fuller has never felt as if she lived up to her parents' expectations, so when she receives a flattering letter in the mail, she's determined to uncover the identity of the sender. Upon meeting the stranger who had such kind words to say about her, Maggie realizes just how many mysteries life truly holds. As her life slowly changes, as the old Maggy slowly slips into the shoes of the new Maggy, another drastic change of events arise. The new Maggy goes head-to-head with the new problems life brought her, as she is no longer the old Maggy Fuller. Life tests her, wanting her to prove how the letter changed the old Maggy Fuller. She doesn't fail, though.

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