Spark: A Burning Man Story

Spark: A Burning Man Story

  • Action,Biography,Documentary,Drama

Deep in the dusty expanse of the Nevada desert, over 60,000 people from around the world join together in a weeklong bacchanalia of art, self-expression and music. The once forsaken landscape is transformed into a temporary Shangri-La that doesn't end until a towering effigy is set alight and burned to the ground in a ritual frenzy. This is Burning Man. Originally imagined as an experiment in creating a utopia where the restrictions of modern life - the nine-to-five rat race, laws and confining societal norms - vanish, the event's popularity and scope has now exceeded even the creators' wildest dreams. Spark: A Burning Man Story brings audiences behind-the-scenes of the legendary celebration, shining a light on the triumphs and challenges of the artists fighting harsh realities to keep their ideals of unbridled freedom and community alive.—Spark Pictures

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