The Falls: Testament of Love

The Falls: Testament of Love

  • Drama,Romance,Action

Hannah Barefoot

Five years after their mission and subsequent road trip, Mormon missionaries RJ Smith and Chris Merrill who fell in love have had no further contact. Chris was forced into reparative therapy by his father, Noah, after returning home. He then married a woman, and had a daughter. He lives in Salt Lake City, and is a pharmaceutical rep. He is living an honorable life by LDS standards, and believes that repressing his true sexuality is necessary in order to have an eternal family in heaven.RJ has finished college, and is working in Seattle as a magazine editor. He is out of the closet, and has a long time significant other, Paul. He can not forget his faith, and he still prays and wears the sacred undergarments. But he drinks alcohol, and coffee, both forbidden, and does not attend church. Although he is now dating another man, he has published a book about his relationship with Chris, and clearly hasn't forgotten him. However, he has no idea that Chris has married a woman and has a child.One day at work, he receives a call from Gloria, Rodney's mother. Rodney is the veteran he met while serving his mission, and RJ has maintained contact with him. Rodney's mother informs RJ that he has passed away. RJ then makes plan to attend the funeral.Meanwhile, Chris has also decided to attend the service. They see each other at the graveside, but Chris makes no eye contact, and attempts to walk away without speaking to RJ. RJ pushes the issue, insisting they meet for closure. Chris reluctantly agrees.The meeting is awkward, with Chris appearing distinctly uncomfortable. He tells RJ that he is a practicing Mormon, with a family. RJ lets Chris know that he is dating Paul, and the two cannot resolve their differences. RJ is frustrated, returning home to Seattle, where a loving Paul is waiting for him with a home cooked dinner.Both RJ and Chris now have a lot on their minds. Old memories and passions have been stirred up. Although Paul recently met RJ's parents for the first time, soon RJ gently tells him that he cannot give him what he needs, terminating their relationship.At Chris's house in Salt Lake, his wife Emily is pleased with her success with a cosmetic company. She wants to make love that night, but after seeing RJ, Chris is suddenly unable to function with her. He creeps off into a bathroom in their large home, masturbating, while he looks at himself in the mirror with loathing.On impulse, RJ decides to return to Salt Lake to confront Chris about marrying a woman. He tells his boss he is writing a magazine article about the city. He still seeks closure as to why Chris cut him off all those years ago. When he shows up at Chris's front door, it is not a welcome surprise. Emily has no idea about Chris's past, and thinks RJ is just an old friend. She invites him in for dinner, and insists he spend the night.Chris slips a note under RJ's door that night, and they arrange to meet in a park the next day. They attempt to hash things out, but the conversation is strained. Chris seems to feel trapped, but unable to admit it to himself.At last the two meet in RJ's hotel room. Chris tells RJ the story of his reparative therapy. He is apologetic. RJ has the closure he sought, but it is not the answer he was hoping for. They hug as old friends, and say goodbye.The next evening, Chris and Emily have a Mormon couple over for dinner. After eating, the man, Aaron, asks the 2 women to go get ice cream so that he can discuss church matters with Chris. He reads a Bible passage about the love of Jesus, and he tells Chris that he knows what happened 5 years ago on the mission. He also struggles with same sex attraction, and he thinks they can help each other. Chris is furious and tells him to get out. The two women return, and while it is clear that there has been an argument, the men do not discuss it.The following night, Emily attends a ceremony with her company to celebrate her sales productivity. Late at night, on her way home, she drives past RJ's hotel, and sees Chris's car in the parking lot. The two men have finally given into their passion that evening. She pulls into the parking lot and sees them kissing intensely, as Chris is leaving.Emily angrily confronts Chris, and he calls a family meeting, asking RJ to attend. Only his father, a highly placed Mormon church leader, had previously known about Chris's sexuality. Chris tells everyone that he is gay, and that RJ is the one he truly loves. His father is disgusted, and his mother is incredulous. Chris's brother is livid, accusing RJ of leading Chris astray. He jumps up as if to deliver a physical blow, but his father tells him to sit down. Emily accuses RJ of being a home wrecker, and screams at him, tells him she hates him, ordering him to get out.RJ goes back to his hotel room, where he experiences a crisis of faith. He can't accept that he and Chris cannot be together because of their religion. He cries, prays, and trashes the hotel room. Finally, he cuts out the sacred symbols of his undergarments and throws the remainder in the trash. He is done with the Mormon religion, or so he thinks.Meanwhile, Noah Merrill calls Tom Smith, RJ's father. At first Tom is very deferential to Noah as a church leader, but soon they are arguing. Noah accuses Tom of allowing RJ to parade around like a pansy. Although Tom has struggled for years with accepting his son's sexuality, he defends RJ, and tells Noah that his son has undergone a long spiritual journey to accept himself.Later, when Chris and Emily attempt to discuss the issue, Emily says she refuses to be abandoned. Chris tells her that he has feelings for RJ that he could have for no woman.Chris's parents both speak with him privately. While his mother is very supportive, his father is still very angry. He demands that Chris write a letter to all their family and friends about his sin.Shortly thereafter, there is a family gathering for the Merrill's 25th wedding anniversary. Chris sings a religious song for the group, then RJ walks in and kisses him passionately in front of the horrified crowd.RJ returns to Seattle, and Chris continues to deal with the fall-out from his revelation. RJ is surprised to receive a letter from Chris, forgiving him for making a scene at the party.As the film ends, RJ's voice over lets us know that the relationship remains unresolved, but it is not over.

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