

  • Action,Horror

The film starts out with a young woman, Olivia (Elizabeth Cascarelli), renting out a room in what looks like a lovely home. The homeowners seem hospitable in showing her the laundry room and giving her space. She is in the kitchen doing her work when all of a sudden, she feels a presence in the room.Little does she know a monster is watching her within the pipes. Her timer goes off and she heads to the laundry room where again, she feels a strange presence. As she reaches in the washer for the clothes, something grabs her and she is pulled in. Blood and screams fill the washer. Soon after, the homeowners return, pleased that the monster has eaten her and not them.The story continues two weeks later as a new group of college kids get ready for a music film festival out in the middle of nowhere. The group of seven all head out to the home they have rented out for their festival activities. As they get situated and accustomed to the house, some members feel eery, watched and suspicious.That night, Erica (Mikayla Kelley), decides to take a bath while everyone is outside enjoying a barbecue. She hears something and thinks nothing of it. Meanwhile, the rest of the group tell embarassing stories of each other while enjoying one too many drinks. Then, Erica feels something by the bathtub drain. She struggles to breathe and her body quickly gets pulled into the drain leaving nothing but a tub full of blood.The rest of the group have no idea what just happened when another couple hanging out by the creeks scream and Jena (Ashna Sharan) disappears. The lights go out and the rest of the group run in different directions trying to find protection. Alexis, Kyle (Justin Sick) and Justin (Cristian Linares) stay together as they enter the home and find out that Erica is dead.The three hear noises thinking that it is Jena. They head towards the basement of the home. They find Jena! But, it is too late. The pipe monster has her trapped and takes her before her boyfriend Kyle (Justin Sisk) can get to her. They can't believe what just happened as more blood slips under the door. Justin standing by another hidden pipe suddenly gets dragged into the trapping door and is also taken by the pipe monster.Kyle and Alexis run out of the house and see a light in the guest house. Little do they know that Nicole and Chris were behind this the whole time with the homeowners! Kyle and Alexis are now trapped and must find a way to get out of this blood-ridden home. Luckily, Alexis has online survival training and is able to break free from her zip tie. She helps Kyle out of his and plot against Nicole and Chris.Kyle uppercuts Chris as he enters the dungy room as Alexis zip ties his feet. Next, Nicole walks in and they do the same. They escape leaving Nicole and Chris trapped in the same room the pipe monster holds its hostages. Soon after, one of the homeowners is greeted by the pipe monster and it cuts to black.The film ends with two more girls entering the home, Casey (Madeline Murphy) and Shay (Ashley Ballard). Casey's last words to her sister, Olivia, was at this residence and she plans on finding out what happened to her. The door is locked. It's quiet, eery and suspicious. They run into the horrific scenes of blood. The pipe monster speaks through the house and they quickly run out for safety.The film cuts to black.Will they ever find out what happened to these people? Will the pipe monster ever stop feeding?

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